Version: current

UX Recommendations for Ecuador

About this guide

This page will present some resources to help you to provide a better user experience for your customers in Ecuador. The content is divided into three main sections, covering mandatory fields translations, field validation and checkout live suggestions.

If you are looking for an integration guide with mandatory parameters and examples, you can find it here:

Mandatory fields

Below you will find all the mandatory fields, as well the translations for both fields and placeholder texts.

Personal information

E-mailCorreo electrónico
Full nameNombre y Apellido
Phone numberTeléfonoFijo o Celular


Below you will find how to validate each mandatory field, preventing user errors and guaranteeing a correct payment processing in Ecuador.

Personal information

Field name and parameterValidationsError messages
REGEX: ^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_{\|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9]\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$Empty field:
Este campo es requerido

Invalid format:
Este correo electrónico parece estar incorrecto
Phone Number
10 digits, numeric only
Empty field:
Este campo es requerido

Invalid format:
Este teléfono parece estar incorrecto

Checkout recommendations

Below you will find live code examples, where you can view and test the checkout experience in this country. Also, you will find recommendations to offer a better experience for your customers.

Personal information

Datos del comprador
Todas las informaciones abajo son requeridas.

Live code editor
  • These fields are required for any payment method in Ecuador;
  • If the customer provided this information in previous steps, you can reuse it to reduce friction.

Payment method selection

Payment method selection

  • Present all payment methods clearly
  • Load the list of payment methods with the first option already selected by default
  • Make the selector, being it a card or a radio list, to look clickable
  • You can use icons to make each payment method more recognizable

Efectivo selection


  • You can offer a short explanation when the payment method is selected.
  • You can use a clear call to action to reinforce the method selection.

Transferencia selection


  • You can offer a short explanation when the payment method is selected.
  • You can use a clear call to action to reinforce the method selection.

Total order amount

RegularFree shipping
Total amount description - RegularTotal amount description - Free shipping
  • Always show values clearly, such as shipping taxes and installment number, preventing surprises.
Last updated on by Fernando Basilio