Version: current

USSD with Direct API

About this guide

This page explains how to add USSD to your existing Direct API integration. Direct API integration is basically the same for all payment methods, only varying the payment_type_code and some additional required fields.


USSD integration through Direct API is available to the following countries:

  • Nigeria

If you are not integrated with EBANX Direct API yet, please take a look in this basic guide about it. Are you not sure if EBANX Direct API is the best option for your e-commerce? Please, talk with one of our integration specialists.

What you will need

Before starting your integration, please make sure that you have:

  1. An EBANX Sandbox account. That's not the case? Please sign up for an Sandbox Account here;
  2. USSD enabled in your EBANX Dashboard.

How it works

To complete USSD integration throught EBANX Direct API, please follow the steps below.

  1. Enable USSD

    USSD availability may vary depending on your contract. So the first step is to check if it is active in your EBANX dashboard.

    All set? We can go ahead to next step, otherwise, please get in touch with our integration specialists.

  2. Get the available banks for USSD

    To get list of available banks for USSD, you must call the end-point /ws/getBankList.

    curl --location --request GET '' \
    --data-urlencode 'integration_key={{integration_key}}' \
    --data-urlencode 'operation=request' \
    --data-urlencode 'country=ng'

    A successful request will return an array with JSON objects listing bank code and name.

    Important: For when customer's bank is code: zenith_bank, the account_number field will be added as mandatory on the Basic parameters.

    Basic parameters:

    operationOperation must be request
    integration_keyYour unique and secret integration key
    payment_type_codeFor USSD type is ussd
    countryTwo-letter country code - ng for Nigeria
    bank_details.bank_codeCustomer bank code, obtained at JSON object from /ws/getBankList
    bank_details.account_numberCustomer account number. Mandatory when bank bank_code is zenith_bank

    Customer data:

    nameCustomer name
    emailCustomer email
    phone_numberCustomer phone number

    Charge parameters:

    merchant_payment_codeUnique merchant payment code
    currency_codeISO-4217 Currency code transaction. Supported value: NGN
    amount_totalTotal amount to be charged

    Check the example:

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "integration_key": "{{integration_key}}",
    "operation": "request",
    "payment": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone_number": "2340000000",
    "country": "ng",
    "payment_type_code": "ussd",
    "merchant_payment_code": "13a7460fe0b1v21a",
    "currency_code": "NGN",
    "amount_total": 500,
    "bank_details": {
    "bank_code": "fidelity_bank"

    A successful request will return a JSON response like the one below. The redirection link to the voucher will be in the parameter payment.redirect_url.

    "payment": {
    "hash": "63e3bd5332ffbbf4d81e046dbaf0bdae90acc3f15b91482f",
    "country": "ng",
    "merchant_payment_code": "13a7460fe0b1v21a",
    "order_number": "1234567",
    "status": "PE",
    "status_date": null,
    "open_date": "2023-01-01 01:01:01",
    "confirm_date": null,
    "transfer_date": null,
    "amount_br": "500.00",
    "amount_ext": "500.00",
    "amount_iof": "0.00",
    "currency_rate": "1.0000",
    "currency_ext": "NGN",
    "due_date": "2023-01-01",
    "instalments": "1",
    "payment_type_code": "ussd",
    "redirect_url": "",
    "pre_approved": false,
    "capture_available": null,
    "status": "SUCCESS"

    The complete API reference for the end-point ws/direct can be found here. We strongly recommend you to take a look in all the available options.

  3. Redirect customer to the returned URL

    Redirect your customer to the URL returned in the parameter redirect_url. After the redirection, your customer will be able to see the voucher with the information to complete the transaction.

    At this point you will have a pending payment in your EBANX Dashboard.

  4. Wait for the payment

    Once the transfer is completed by the customer, it will take sometime to EBANX get informed by the bank. As soon as we get the confirmation, payment status is modified from pending to confirmed.

    If your customers don't conclude the payment, it will be automatically canceled.

Getting help

We hope this article was enlightening, but in case we’ve failed to take out your doubts you have the following options to keep on seeking for answers:

  • If you’re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
  • In case you’re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at
Last updated on by Juliana Velasques Balta