Version: current

Digital Wallets

Product Overview

E-Wallets allow customers to pay for purchases with their chosen wallet by scanning a QR Code or simply confirming the transaction after logging into their accounts. By requiring customers’ access to his or hers app and account, this payment method reduces fraudulent chargebacks.

On top of that, the checkout flow is easier: users don’t have to fill out credit card forms since all that information is already saved on their chosen wallets and used automatically.


Some e-wallets like Nequi does not allow the payment with credit or debit cards, just with balance.

Some wallets also allow payment with balance, meaning clients can top up with Boleto Bancário or a simple wire transfer from their traditional bank account.

How it works

Your title
  1. Customer proceeds to checkout and starts the payment process;
  2. Merchant sends the payment information to EBANX;
  3. EBANX sends the payment information to the Digital Wallet;
  4. Digital Wallet returns a pending payment;
  5. EBANX returns a pending payment to the Merchant
  6. Customer finalizes the transaction on the Digital Wallet;
  7. Digital Wallet sends the finalized payment to EBANX;
  8. EBANX sends the finalized payment to the Merchant;


This solution is currently available on the following countries and wallet brands:

🇧🇷 Brazil

Digital Wallets

Mercado Pago, Paypal, Picpay;

Integration Methods

Direct API, Payment Page, Shopify;

🇨🇴 Colombia

Digital Wallets


Integration Methods

Direct API, Payment Page;

Integration Steps

E-Wallets are already available to Direct API, Payment Page and Shopify. If you are already integrated with EBANX get in touch via, otherwise fill this on-line form.

For more details on how to use digital wallets with each integration method, check the following guides:

API Integration
Payment Page Integration

Getting help

We hope this article was enlightening, but in case we’ve failed to take out your doubts you have the following options to keep on seeking for answers:

  • If you’re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
  • In case you’re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at
Last updated on by Fernando Basilio