Version: current


Here are some common troubleshooting scenarios that might show up during your integration:

INTERNAL SERVER ERROR is appearing when the user is redirected.

What may be causing this error:

  • Your integration or Shopify keys are not correct. Double-check your keys in your EBANX dashboard;
  • You are processing with a not allowed currency. We only accept USD, BRL and EUR, except for transparent checkout, where we don’t work with EUR yet;
  • The country you are trying to process is not enabled in your merchant account;

My transparent checkout is not working even after 10 minutes.

Double-check your app status by following these steps:

  1. Access your Shopify admin panel, then go to “Apps”;
  2. Click in the EBANX App (Sell in LATAM – EBANX Checkout);
  3. Re-enter your integration key;
  4. If you don’t see “EBANX Optimized Checkout is Installed on your store!”, send an email to;
  5. If Shopify doesn't loads the transparent check-out after reinstalation, deactive other plug-ins and custom settings that can interfer in our transparent check-out;
  6. If you do get the successful message, then double-check if your gateway is eligible for the transparent checkout.

I can’t find the EBANX gateway in the “alternative payment methods” section.

Before looking for the gateway, please make sure that you clicked in the link shown in the installation process and that you have installed it.

I can’t find my Shopify Key in EBANX Dashboard

Please send an email to our integration team –

Getting help

We hope this article was enlightening, but in case we’ve failed to take out your doubts you have the following options to keep on seeking for answers:

  • If you’re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
  • In case you’re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at
  • Alternatively, you can check our FAQ at the end of this page for further questions.
Last updated on by Fernando Basilio