Version: current

Test Credit Cards

The following are test cards you can use to test and validate you integration with EBANX.


Please note that these card numbers will only work in Sandbox(test) environment. No payment will be possible using these cards.

Valid test credit cards

These are credit cards you can use to test an Approved Transaction workflow.

You can use any of the following numbers in the test environment. Just donā€™t forget to read the tips below:

  • CVV: use any number with three digits, except American Express which CVV is four digits;
  • Expiration date (due date): use any date in the future.
American Expressamex378282246310005 & 378282749798722
Diners Clubdiners30569309025904
Eloelo6362970000457013 & 6362971747129170
Hipercardhipercard6062825624254001 & 6062823936268330
Visavisa4111111111111111 & 4111115666052208
MasterCardmastercard5555555555554444 & 5555556355564617
CARNET (For Mexico only)carnet5062224607440872
Credimas (For Argentina only)credimas5045201174402586
Naranja (For Argentina only)naranja5895626292990446
Cabal (For Argentina only)cabal5896578742026538
Magna (For Chile only)magna5680095660610110

Credit cards to simulate declines

These are credit cards you can use to test a Declined Transaction workflow.

They have the same rules as the other cards:

  • CVV: use any number with three digits, except American Express which CVV is four digits;
  • Expiration date (due date): use any period in the future.
BrandNameCodeExpected response
Visavisa4716909774636285response: insufficientFunds
Mastercardmastercard5102026827345142response: invalidData
Discoverdiscover6011088896715918response: cardExpired
American Expressamex378568775709157response: notApproved

Test Debit Cards for Brazil

visa4000000000001000Approved (3DS without Challenge)
visa4000000000001091Insufficient Funds (3DS with Challenge)
visa4000000000001042Invalid Card or Card Type (3DS with Challenge)
visa4000000000001109Invalid Card or Card Type (3DS without Challenge)
mastercard5200000000001096Approved (3DS with Challenge)
mastercard5200000000001005Insufficient Funds (3DS with Challenge)
mastercard5200000000001013Invalid Card or Card Type (3DS with Challenge)
mastercard5200000000001104Invalid Card or Card Type (3DS without Challenge)
maestro6759411100000008Approved (3DS without Challenge)
elo6505050000001000Approved (3DS without Challenge)

Test Vouchers Cards for Brazil

The following are test Vouchers cards you can use to test and validate your integration with EBANX.


Please note that these card numbers will only work in the Sandbox (test) environment. No payment will be possible using these cards.

Valid test Voucher Cards

  • CVV: use any number with three digits.
  • Expiration date (due date): use any date in the future.
BrandNameCodeExpected Response
VRMultibeneficios e RefeiĆ§Ć£o6274160007029307Approved
VRMultibeneficios e RefeiĆ§Ć£o6274166432164437notApproved

Test Debit Cards for Mexico

Please note that those debit card numbers will only work for Mexico. You can use any of the following numbers in the sandbox environment. These credit cards have ā€œinfiniteā€ funds and will be always authorized. Any other card number will be declined.

  • CVV: Use any number with three digits.
  • Expiration date (due date): use any period in the future.

Getting help

We hope this article was enlightening, but in case weā€™ve failed to take out your doubts you have the following options to keep on seeking for answers:

  • If youā€™re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
  • In case youā€™re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at
Last updated on by Fernando Basilio