Version: current

Postman Collection


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To make the integration with the EBANX even easier, we've prepared a Postman Collection that you can populate with your own credentials and start playing with our APIs.

So if you are a happy postman user, as we are, feel free to check it here .

How to use it

This collection is prepared with the most relevant APIs and examples from EBANX, together with it you will find:

  1. Different set of APIs from EBANX, helping you to accept payments and make payouts;
  2. Environment variables (where you will be able to configure your integration key);
  3. Code snippets in different languages;
  4. Option to download the collection;
  5. Example to all the different payment methods per country;

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Getting help

We hope this article was enlightening, but in case we’ve failed to take out your doubts you have the following options to keep on seeking for answers:

  • If you’re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
  • In case you’re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at
Last updated on by Fernando Basilio