UX Recommendations for Brazil
About this guide
This page will present some resources to help you to provide a better user experience for your customers in Brazil. The content is divided into three main sections, covering mandatory fields translations, field validation and checkout live suggestions.
If you are looking for an integration guide with mandatory parameters and examples, you can find it here:
Mandatory fields
Below you will find all the mandatory fields, as well the translations for both Field and Placeholder texts.
Personal information
Field | Translation | Placeholder |
Full Name payment.name | Nome completo | |
Email payment.email | ||
Phone number payment.phone_number | Telefone | Fixo ou Celular |
Document payment.document | CPF ou CPNJ |
Credit and Debit Information
Field | Translation | Placeholder |
Cardholder Name payment.creditcard.card_name | Nome do titular | Como impresso no cartão |
Card Number payment.creditcard.card_number | Número do Cartão | |
Expiration Date payment.creditcard.card_due_date | Validade do Cartão | MM/AAAA |
CVV payment.creditcard.card_cvv | Código de Segurança (CVV) | |
Installments payment.instalments | Parcelamento | Selecione o número de parcelas |
Billing Address Information
These fields are needed for credit and debit card transactions only.
Field | Translation | Placeholder |
Zipcode payment.zipcode | CEP | |
Country payment.country | País | Selecione seu país |
State payment.state | Estado | Selecione seu estado |
City payment.city | Cidade | |
Address payment.address | Endereço | Rua, avenida, etc |
Street Number payment.street_number | Número |
Below you will find how to validate each mandatory field, preventing user errors and guaranteeing a correct payment processing in Brazil.
Personal information
Field name and parameter | Validations | Error messages |
Email payment.email | REGEX: ^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_{\|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9]\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$ | Empty field: Este campo é obrigatório Invalid format: Este email parece estar incorreto |
Phone Number payment.phone_number | 10 digits Mask: XX XXX XXXXX REGEX: (?:(^\+\d{2})?)(?:([1-9]{2}) | Empty field: Este campo é obrigatório Invalid format: Este telefone parece estar incorreto |
Document payment.document | CPF: Length of 11 digits, numeric only. Mask: 000.000.000-00 | Empty field: Este campo é obrigatório Invalid format: Este documento parece estar incorreto |
Credit card information
Field name and parameter | Validations | Error messages |
Credit card number payment.creditcard.card_number | Masks: - AMEX: 9999 9999 9999 999 - Other Brands: 9999 9999 9999 9999 Regular Expression: https://developer.ebanx.com/docs/resources/validation-rules/ | Empty field: Este campo é obrigatório Invalid format: O número do cartão parece estar incorreto |
Expiration Date payment.creditcard.card_due_date | Mask: 99/9999 REGEX: ^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/([0-9]{4})$ | Empty field: Este campo é obrigatório Invalid format: A data de validade parece estar incorreta |
CVV payment.creditcard.card_cvv | AMEX: 4 digits, numeric only Other Brands: 3 digits, numeric only | Empty field: Este campo é obrigatório Invalid format: O código parece estar incompleto |
Billing address information
Field name and parameter | Validations | Error messages |
Zip Code payment.zipcode | 8 digits, numeric only Simple regex to validate 8 numbers without the dash ( - ) [0-9]{8} | Empty field: Este campo é obrigatório Invalid format: O CEP parece estar incorreto |
State payment.state | [[“Acre”, “AC”], [“Alagoas”, “AL”], [“Amapá“, “AP”], [“Amazonas”, “AM”], [“Bahia”, “BA”], [“Ceará“, “CE”], [“Distrito Federal”, “DF”], [“Espírito Santo”, “ES”], [“Goiás”, “GO”], [“Maranhão”, “MA”], [“Mato Grosso”, “MT”], [“Mato Grosso do Sul”, “MS”], [“Minas Gerais”, “MG”], [“Pará“, “PA”], [“Paraíba”, “PB”], [“Paraná“, “PR”], [“Pernambuco”, “PE”], [“Piauí“, “PI”], [“Rio de Janeiro”, “RJ”], [“Rio Grande do Norte”, “RN”], [“Rio Grande do Sul”, “RS”], [“Rondônia”, “RO”], [“Roraima”, “RR”], [“Santa Catarina”, “SC”], [“São Paulo”, “SP”], [“Sergipe”, “SE”], [“Tocantins”, “TO”]] | Empty field: Invalid format: |
Validation snippets
You can use the following Javascript funcions to validate some of the mandatory fields requested in your checkout.
Checkout recommendations
Below you will find live code examples, where you can view and test the checkout experience in this country. Also, you will find recommendations to offer a better experience for your customers.
Personal information
- These fields are required for any payment method in Brazil;
- If the customer provided this information in previous steps, you can reuse it to reduce friction.
Credit and debit card information
- Be careful to show installment (Parcelas) options only for Credit Card payments, since they are not available for Debit Card payments
- Offer a tooltip explaining CVV: "Código de 3 números encontrado na parte de trás do cartão. Em cartões AMEX, o código é de 4 números e está na frente do cartão."
Payment method selection
- Present all payment methods clearly
- Make the selector, being it a card or a radio list, to look clickable
- You can use icons to make each payment method more recognizable
Credit card selection
- Use terminologies that are familiar to the user (check Mandatory Fields above)
- You can use a clear call to action to reinforce the method selection
- If using Installments (Parcelas), it can be interesting to show it together with the total amount (Check Total Order Amount)
Debit card selection
- Use terminologies that are familiar to the user (check Mandatory Fields above)
- You can use a clear call to action to reinforce the method selection
- Be careful to not show installment (Parcelas) options here, since they are only available for credit card payments
Boleto selection
- You can offer a short explanation when the payment method is selected.
- You can use a clear call to action to reinforce the method selection.
E-Wallets selection
- You can offer a short explanation when the payment method is selected.
- You can use a clear call to action to reinforce the method selection.
Online Debit selection
- You can offer a short explanation when the payment method is selected.
- You can use a clear call to action to reinforce the method selection.
- Since the customer is going to be redirected to her/his bank site, it's necessary to show the bank selector when the customer chooses "Internet Banking"
Bank Transfer selection
- You can offer a short explanation when the payment method is selected.
- You can use a clear call to action to reinforce the method selection.
Total order amount
Regular | Free shipping |
![]() | ![]() |
- Always show values clearly, such as shipping taxes and installment number, preventing surprises
- When dealing with different currencies, pay attention to how you present the difference between then. Also, if possible present exchange rate ("Tipo de Cambio") to the customer.