Version: current

Cancel a Payout

About this guide

This guide quickly demonstrates how to cancel an open payout in EBANX. We will walk you through the basic steps to achieve this goal using your already existing Direct API integration.

How it works

To Cancel a payout through EBANX Direct API, please follow the steps below.

  1. Make sure that the payout status is equal to OP

    You can only cancel a payout if its status is equal to (OP) open. You can check the status of your payout using the end-point /ws/payout/retrieve. You can learn more about this end-point in this quick guide.

  2. Cancel the payment using the /ws/payout/cancel end-point

    To cancel a Payout, you will use the /ws/payout/cancel endpoint.

    There are two options you can use to cancel a Payout, the EBANX unique identifier (uid), which is generated during the creation of the payout, or the unique identifier provided by the Merchant (external_reference).

    Here are a couple of examples using each parameter:

    curl -X POST '' \
    -d 'integration_key=your_test_integration_key' \
    -d 'uid=0f28f5b2bf60536d78b2dbf003c13886dd452d926'

    And a successful cancellation will return a JSON Object with type "success" and a message saying "You've successfully cancelled your Payout!".

    "type": "success",
    "message": "You've successfully cancelled your Payout!"

Canceling a Payout via Dashboard

You can cancel a Payout, up to 6 hours after being submitted, through your Dashboard in the Payouts section of the Payout tab. Select the specific payout you want to cancel and click on Cancel Payout.

Getting help

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  • If you’re not our partner yet and would like to know more about our prices and conditions please fill our this form and our commercial team will get in touch with you.
  • In case you’re already our partner please get in touch with our support team at
Last updated on by Fernando Basilio