Version: current

By the end of this section, you will understand the following endpoints: Bank queries; Company type queries; Business area queries.

Approximate reading time: 2 minutes

Additional Data

These requests can be made at any time during the integration, however we suggest that they are done before the account creation request, as the data returned in the responses will be used in this account creation endpoint.

We provide 3 (three) endpoints to aid you in this: understanding the banks, company types and business areas that Juno works with.

What is Necessary to do this Request?

You must also have a valid authorization token. If you have not yet generated the authorization token, we have a complete step by step in Generating your Authentication.

  1. List Banks

    It will return a list of banks available to receive transfers on Juno. Simply follow the steps below to set up the endpoint in your environment:
    1. For this request, set the http GET method;

    2. Next, insert the URL according to the endpoint and the environment.

    3. Go to Authorization;

    4. In Authorization, under Type, select the Bearer Token option;

    5. In Token, insert the Access Token generated in the endpoint /authorization-server/oauth/token

    6. Go to Headers;

    7. Add in Key X-API-Version;

    8. Add in Value 2 ;

    9. Check if all the fields above are filled out correctly - after checking, you can go to Send.

    10. See an example of Curl:

      curl --location --request GET '' \
      --header 'X-API-Version: 2' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9' \'

      A successful request will return a JSON response as output, like the one below:

      "_embedded": {
      "banks": [
      "number": "001",
      "name": "BCO DO BRASIL S.A."
      "number": "003",
      "name": "BCO DA AMAZONIA S.A."
      "number": "004",
      "name": "BCO DO NORDESTE DO BRASIL S.A."
  2. List Types of Companies

    It will return a list of company types available on the Juno platform that can be used to set up a Digital Account. Simply follow the steps below to set up the endpoint in your environment:
    1. For this request, set the http GET method;

    2. Next, insert the URL according to the endpoint and the environment.

    3. Go to Authorization;

    4. In Authorization, under Type, select the Bearer Token option;

    5. In Token, insert the Access Token generated in the endpoint /authorization-server/oauth/token

    6. Go to Headers;

    7. Add in Key X-API-Version

    8. Add in Value 2

    9. Check if all the fields above are filled out correctly - after checking, you can go to Send.

    10. See an example of Curl:

      curl curl --location --request GET ''' \
      --header 'X-API-Version: 2' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9' \'

      A successful request will return a JSON response as output, like the one below:

      "companyTypes": [
      "_links": {
      "self": {
      "href": ""
  3. List Types of Business Areas

    It will return a list of business areas available on the Juno platform that can be used to set up a Digital Account. Simply follow the steps below to set up the endpoint in your environment:
    1. For this request, set the http GET method;

    2. Next, insert the URL according to the endpoint and the environment.

    3. Go to Authorization;

    4. In Authorization, under Type, select the Bearer Token option;

    5. In Token, insert the Access Token generated in the endpoint /authorization-server/oauth/token

    6. Go to Headers;

    7. Add in Key X-API-Version;

    8. Add in Value 2 ;

    9. Check if all the fields above are filled out correctly - after checking, you can go to Send.

    10. See an example of Curl:

      curl --location --request GET '' \
      --header 'X-API-Version: 2' \
      --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9' \'

      A successful request will return a JSON response as output, like the one below:

      "_embedded": {
      "businessAreas": [
      "code": 1000,
      "activity": "Produtos",
      "category": "Acessorios automotivos"
      "code": 1001,
      "activity": "Produtos",
      "category": "Agronomia e agricultura"

With this done, we can proceed to the next step: Create Digital Accounts

Last updated on by Fernando Basilio